Proctor Memorial Christian Church



Dr. Skipper McLawhorn, Minister

Skipper is a retired NC Probation/Parole Officer. He received his Criminal Justice Degree in 1985.

He has always been involved in the life of the church in various leadership positions (Deacon, Elder, Treasurer)

He always felt a calling to serve the Lord from the pulpit, so he returned to Divinity school and completed

his Masters Degree and Doctoral Degree in Ministry. He has been ordained since 1990 and has served as Proctor's

Minister since May 20, 2001. Proctor is his only full time Ministry. He has also served as Moderator of the

NC Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for the NC Region as well as mentored new ministers seeking standing

and credentials with the church. He is involved in Ecumenical groups and

community outreach projects. He has been married to Deborah Edwards McLawhorn since 1983.

They have two sons and eight grandchildren that are all actively involved in the Church at Proctor.

His favorite scripture: Joshua 24:15 as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD


Teresa Strickland Youth Coordinator

Teresa loves kids and serving the church. She has held various leadership positions at the church

and has led the Youth program since 2008. She has also led the local girl scout troop since 2008.

She has two daughters that also serve in the church at Proctor.


Hillary McLawhorn Youth Coordinator

Hillary is a certified NC School teacher and has taught elementary level.

She has served at the church in the Youth program since 2008. Her husband Matt serves

in the Media team. They have four daughters that are also active at Proctor.


Caley Singleton Praise Team Leader

Caley came to Proctor in 2021 with a  gifted voice and talent for playing the guitar.

She is a Music teacher with the Pitt County School system.

She loves to sing / teach music as well as work with kids. In addition to her Public School teaching job,

she also teaches private vocal and instrumental music lessons.

Caley is engaged to Evan Frame, who also runs the sounds system for the church.



Church Board    

Chairman: Jaime Moles

Lillie Ann Flowers Dwayne Grossman
Crystal Hughes Christopher McLawhorn
Sarah Warren Aaron Williams
Toby Williams Mike Woodcock



Chairman: Christopher McLawhorn
Vicki Hamill Chad Warren
Toby Williams Mike Woodcock


Chairman: Linwood Holloman

Andy Allen Kristi Allen
Brandon Cherry Jennipher Cherry
Tina Dixon Eileen Elks
Lillie Ann Flowers Fred Galloway
Lorri G. Gaskins Betty Harrison
Betsy Hodges Crystal Hughes
Amelia Masters Matthew McLawhorn
Traci McLawhorn Becky Meeks
Jaime Moles Kim Smith
Chris Sparrow Suzanne Sparrow
Teresa Strickland Sandra Warren
Sarah Warren Aaron Williams
Karla Williams Lynn Woodcock



             CWF President:                       Lynn Woodcock

                CMF President:                      Dwayne Grossman

                   Youth Coordinator:                 Hillary McLawhorn

               Youth Coordinator:                 Teresa Strickland

2025 Committee Assignments 



Karla Williams- Chair

Joe Smith

Eleanor Farr / Vicki Hamill

Tina Dixon

Sandra Warren/ Lynn Woodcock

Chris Sparrow / *Mike Woodcock

Beverly Garrett

Landscaping: Suzanne Sparrow


Stewardship / Finance

Christian Education / Evangelism

*Christopher McLawhorn - Chair

Betsy Hodges– Chair

Fred Galloway

Eleanor Farr / Becky Meeks

Sandra Warren

Kim Smith



Youth Chair Teresa Strickland

Christopher McLawhorn  Kristi Allen / Jennipher Cherry
Mike Woodcock Tina Dixon / Vicki Hamill
  Becky Meeks / Traci McLawhorn
  Suzanne Sparrow
Planning Committee
Eleanor Farr - Chair
Kyle Hodges Sandra Warren
*Mike Woodcock

Greeters Schedule

* Denotes Board Member

Volunteer Schedules

Nursery Provided during Church and Sunday School

Please see the Minister to volunteer

Sunday School

Snack/coffee 9:30am - 9:40am

Classroom 9:40am - 10:25am

Sunday School Classes



Nursery Newborn - 3 Rotating Paid Staff

Sunday School


Hillary McLawhorn 

Sunday School


Teresa Strickland / Danielle Strickland

Sunday School


Caley Singleton

Sunday School - Fellowship Hall


Toby Williams / Vicki Hamill

Sunday School - Fellowship Hall


Christopher McLawhorn / Kyle Hodges

Children's Church  11:00am - 11:30am (sanctuary at 10:30am)

Nursery Schedule  10:30am - 11:30am


Age Group


10:30am - 11:30am

Age Group 3-6

10:30 - 10:30am

Age Group 7-10

10:00a - 10:30a

Age Group 11-14

10:30a - 11:30a

First Sunday


Hillary McLawhorn

Teresa Strickland

Danielle Strickland

Caley Singleton

Second Sunday


Hillary McLawhorn

Teresa Strickland

Danielle Strickland

Caley Singleton

Third Sunday


Hillary McLawhorn

Teresa Strickland

Danielle Strickland

Caley Singleton

Fourth Sunday


Hillary McLawhorn

Teresa Strickland

Danielle Strickland

Caley Singleton

Fifth Sunday Staff

Hillary McLawhorn

Teresa Strickland

Danielle Strickland

Caley Singleton