Proctor Memorial Christian Church
This Page contains the vision that our Leaders have for our Church. We invite you to read it, pray about it and join us in making great things happen for the Lord. Proverbs 29:18 says: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Our objective is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. We plan to accomplish this by first becoming a beacon of God's love in our community. We will continue to support existing missionaries and develop our own to go out and share the gospel from our church. The committee has formulated a plan that will equip our church with the resources and tools needed to make our objective a reality. Our focus will be to reach out to the Youth within our community and provide a suitable environment that will enable us to teach them about God's love and divine plan for their lives and guide them to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Each year our Planning Committee meets and reviews our strategic plan. They assess our progress, modify our current plans as well as develop new strategies that help us reach our short term and long term goals. A chart is provided to show the data used from past and present records to formulate the plan and project future growth based on the implementation of short term and long term recommendations.
Committee Members: Kyle Hodges - Chair Eleanor Farr Sandra Warren
Short Term Two Year Goals: 1). Develop leadership training classes to promote Spiritual growth that will keep Church focused on proper biblical growth. Develop Spiritual outreach committee with a focus on prayer, contact and visitation for the sick and needy family members of the Church.
2). Establish Cub Scout / Boy Scout groups and continue promoting Girl Scouts for community. Girl Scouts are thriving with 15 members.
3). Continue promoting Outreach and Missions giving. (We continue to fulfill this objective through increased White Christmas donations, Week of Compassion and additional special offerings as well as increased budgeted outreach giving).
4). Promote Youth Activities / Adult Activities - $3500 allowance (Youth Committee has made plans to have activities on monthly basis for ages 2-18. Movie nights with meals have also been planned for every age group in the church with an emphasis on Youth).
5). Promote family nights (CWF, CMF, YOUTH group meetings on the second Wednesday night of the month. Strengthen and promote auxiliary groups with special classes for different groups in church. (More Money Management Bible Study classes planned). Develop marketing strategy to advertise the Church and make people that are new to the community aware of our presence and desire to have them worship with us.
Three - Five Year Goals: 1). Update Bylaws - Change board structure to accurately reflect active involvement of leaders. Implement active terms for Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses with specific duties. Provide staggered terms for all offices. Adding non-voting secretary position to board to provide continuity of record keeping.
2) Hire full time Youth Minister to oversee current Youth Coordinators, order all educational material for church, plan activities and supervise activities as well as plan activities for adult study classes and fellowship. Coordinate facility usage by various groups.
3). Expand current fellowship hall to double the seating capacity.
4). Explore the need for second Worship service on Sunday mornings (8:30am) to provide additional space for growth, additional Worship time as well as more opportunities for individuals to participate in Worship services.
Long Term - Ten Year Goals: 1). Update outside appearance of original Church - Add curb appeal: windows, brick work and landscaping. 2). Purchase Church Van to be utilized for church activities for our Youth as well as Adults. Van purchase will be pursued when the need exceeds the cost savings of renting a van. Study conducted on March 1, 2008 concluded that the church would need to use a van more than 15 weekends per year to justify the need to purchase a Van over renting a Van as needed.
*The above report highlights all topics discussed by the Committee, a full Committee Report is available by request*