Proctor Memorial Christian Church

  Fellowship Hall Thermostat Info



The purpose of this page is to make sure everyone understands how to use the thermostat in the fellowship so they can enjoy the most comfort possible. The new unit is adequate and will cool and heat the Fellowship if used properly. Keep in mind this is a commercial building, it's not going to cool below 75 degrees when it's 90 degrees outside and you have 100 people in the building. Adjusting the unit several times in a short period of time (less than 10 minutes will cause the thermostat to lockout) That means it will turn off for 10 minutes. This is a safety feature on most new thermostats to prevent power surges to the unit, which cause damage. This unit has defrosters on it, so it won't freeze up if someone sets the unit at 50 degrees. Some people are under the misconception that turning the thermostat lower will make the air cooler. That's not true, but let people do that if it makes them think it's cooling better. I want to share a few tips to make sure you get the most out of the unit and are comfortable during whatever event you have in the fellowship hall. Turning the unit up or down is not a problem and is acceptable. Turning it up and down several times in a short period of time (less than 10 minutes) will cause it to lock out. Adding the lock box is simply a measure to make sure this doesn't happen. Without the lock box, it's so easy for people to walk by and adjust the thermostat without realizing someone else has just walked by and adjusted it. This will prevent that from happening and keep the unit running during extreme temperature swings. The purpose of the lock box is not to restrict anyone from adjusting the temperature or to limit the temperature settings, it's to make sure the unit isn't accidentally locked out due to too many people adjusting it in a short time period, which causes the unit to cut off.





This is the temperature of the AC in the fellowship hall. 40 degrees. It's more than adequate to cool the building



Turn off the humidifier behind the kitchen door when you are using the AC. The humidifier puts out heat.

The AC removes the humidity when it's running, so you don't need the humidifier to run while using the AC.

We added the humidifier last year to keep the floors from sweating and causing the tiles to come unglued.

Please turn the humidifier back on when finish using the Fellowship Hall. Also turn off the wall mounted AC in the Kitchen, it's not on a programmable thermostat.




Make sure the exterior doors are closed when you are using the building.

People will use the kick stop to keep the door open while bringing things into the fellowship and forget to close the door.

This allows the outside temperature inside, which makes it impossible for any unit to cool a building.


There is a lock box on the thermostat to prevent several people from unknowingly

adjusting the thermostat in a short period of time and causing the unit to lock.

This box is not intended to keep members from using the building or the thermostat,

it's in place to keep the AC working so everyone is comfortable. 

If the key is needed, it will ensure that several people are not adjusting the thermostat

without one another knowing and then causing the unit thermostat to lockout for the

ten minute period that is standard. You can text me and I can remotely

adjust the temperature if you don't want to bother with the key etc.

If I'm tied up and don't respond within five minutes, use the key in the kitchen

and open the box and push the temperature up or down to your preference.

No need to touch any other buttons but the up and down button for temperature.

Please don't put it on permanent hold. Hold will cause the unit to

run all week or all month and cause our light bill to be very high.

Simply set it up or down and forget it.

The temperature will go back to it's regular setting at the next cycle

 (four cycles per day)  Keep in mind that you may change the setting close to

one of the cycles that are preset. If you stay in the fellowship hall long, the temperature

will revert back to the original setting, simply go back and set it to your

desired temperature again and forget it. Call me if you have questions.




The key to the thermostat box is in the kitchen drawer

These simple steps should allow you to use the fellowship hall with a comfortable temperature.

Which is our objective.