Proctor Memorial Christian Church




1). Dress Code - 50% dress up and 50% wear casual. Either way is perfectly fine and acceptable.



2). Sunday Services - Small Study starts at 9:30am with breakout groups. There is coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall prior to classes. Worship starts at 10:30am and includes contemporary / traditional music. The Youth are involved in worship by praying, serving communion, puppet skits and scripture reading. (ask the Minister to participate)



3). How do I connect to the church and get involved. Talk to the Minister (Skipper) in person, by text or call (2523415998). Another easy way is to load the App. It's free to load and use (be mindful that watching videos uses data, so be aware of that fact). At the bottom of the the main page of the App you will see Groups. Click it and browse the groups you are interested in joining. Click join and you will receive a reply within 24 hours admitting you to the group. Within the groups you will find links to message the group, calendars and resources. Explore these feature to become more familiar with the group. Reach out to the leader listed for the group to get more info and become involved.



4). How do I join the church. It's really easy. You must profess a belief in One GOD, confess you are a sinner needing a Savior to make you Holy and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you have already been saved, your membership in other churches will be accepted as a transfer, if you have never been a member of another church you will need to be baptized. The Minister will give you the option of doing this during church or outside of church for people that do not want to be the center of attention. Once you join, it will be announced to the entire church.



5). Serving on Committees, Board or becoming an Elder / Deacon.  Let the Minister know your interest and he will share the requirements and guide you through the process of serving at the level you feel comfort serving. We do not believe in time requirements and clicks. If you are called to serve, wish to serve and meet the requirements, we believe you should serve the Lord.


6). Covered Dish meals / gatherings - We like to eat and fellowship. We encourage you to bring a covered dish and join us for every church gathering. It's a good time to get to know others and share your spiritual journey. We have a commercial kitchen with a large refrigerator and freezer as well as stove, oven and warmers. Bring your food and put it in the appropriate place prior to meal time.


7). Security / Cameras / Keyless Entry - We maintain church security with trained volunteers monitoring the church and parking lot. We utilize cameras on all the entry points as well as the nursery with 21 days of recordings. Keyless entry codes are available for people needing access to the church outside normal hours. (see the Minister for a code) No weapons are permitted on the property without the consent of the Minister / Trustees approval. See the Minister if have a conceal carry permit and wish to utilize it so he and the trustees are aware of all weapons on the church property. This will prevent confusion and maintain safety for everyone.


8). Parking - The church owns a large parking lot across from the Fellowship hall as well as behind the church. Handicap parking with a lift are available for individuals that are in need of them. The church lift is located on the front of the church and should be easily accessible and operational by anyone needing them. If you feel uncomfortable operating the lift, ask anyone in front of the church to ask the Minister or a leader to come and help you. We usually have designated people in front of the church to help (if it's hot/cold they might be inside the vestibule).