Proctor Memorial Christian Church


Sunday Small Groups 9:30am Blended Worship 10:30am

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP AND WONDER for under 11 WOW (Worship Our Way) for 11 to 14

Mailing address (P.O. Box 159) 505 River St. Grimesland, NC 27837    (Directions)

Phone: (252) 757-1827  






Upcoming Events

Facility Calendar - Usage Policy/Pricing


Monday Night Men's Bible Study in Fellowship Hall 6:45-8:30pm

Signup for Bible Study:

Wednesday Online Bible Study / Devotion 6:30am

Wednesday Men's Fellowship in the Administrative Offices (10am-Noon)

First Thursday Loom Knitting Ministry 10:00am (Fellowship Hall)


October 26, 2024  (6-8pm)
Trunk Or Treat
Decorated Car Contest (Prizes)
Costume contest for all ages (Prizes)
Hot Dogs / Chips and Drink ($5)
Safe Christian Fun for the Kids


October 27, 2024 10:30am Homecoming Service

Gaylon Pope & Sweet Water (Love Offering)

Pig Picking Lunch after Worship in Fellowship Hall

Click on Picture for Link to Group Website


November 3, 2024 Daylight Savings Time (Fall Back)

Christmas Outreach Coat Drive Starts

November 24, 2024 Thanksgiving Service

5:30pm (Soup Supper)

6:15pm Special Service

 6:30pm Christmas Tree decoration

6:30pm Christmas Play Practice


December 1, 2024 10:30am

 Advent Starts - White Christmas Starts

 Hanging of the Greens


December 1, 2024 11:30am

Annual Congregational Meeting


December 15, 2024 10:30am

Youth Christmas Play

Soup Lunch after service with donations going to outreach

(no Sunday School)

White Christmas Ends


December 21, 2024 2pm

Grimesland Christmas Parade


December 22, 2024 10:00am - 10:55am

Combined Morning Service (Dress casual)

Special Singing / Communion


December 24, 2024 5:00pm

Online Christmas Eve Service


December 25, 2024 8am

Online Christmas Devotion

Special Singing / Communion


January 5, 2025 10:30am

Board / Officer Installation


January 5, 2025 Family Day (no Sunday school)

10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

 Baptismal Service during worship

Special Singing

CMF /CWF meetings at 12:30pm

Undecorate Church


February 2, 2025 Family Day (no Sunday school)

10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

Special Singing

CMF / CWF meetings at 12:30pm


February 23, 2025

Week of Compassion Offering Received

Mission / Outreach Support


March 2, 2025 Family Day (no Sunday school)

10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

Special Singing

CMF / CWF meetings at 12:30pm


March 5, 2025 6:30pm

Ash Wednesday Covered Dish Supper


March 9, 2025 Daylight Savings Time Begins (Spring forward)

April 6, 2025 Family Day (no Sunday school)

10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

 Baptismal Service during worship

Special Singing

CMF / CWF meetings at 12:30pm


April 13, 2025 10:30am Palm Sunday Parade

Kids will parade into sanctuary prior to service with

Palm Branches reminding us of our Savior entering Jerusalem

 to  die for our sins All Kids are invited to participate and should

arrive 10 minutes before our service


April 18, 2025 5pm Good Friday Online Service


April 19, 2025  11am-2pm

SonRise Easter Celebration for the Youth

Cookout,  Egg Hunt, Egg Painting


April 20, 2025 Easter Services

8:30am Sunrise Breakfast / Devotion in Fellowship Hall (Communion)

9:00am Responsive Reading / Prayer at the Cross

9:20am Children's Easter Egg Hunt on the Grounds

9:40am Easter Worship in Sanctuary (Special Music & Communion)


May 4, 2025 10:30am Fireman Appreciation Day

(no Sunday school)

Special Singing Amy Hockaday Stephenson

Pig Pickin / Covered Dish meal after service

Special Singing (Love Offering accepted)

CMF / CWF meetings at 1:00pm


June 1, 2025 Family Day / Graduation Sunday (no Sunday school)

10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

 Baptismal Service during worship

Special Singing

CMF / CWF meetings at 12:30pm


July 27, 2025 10:30am

Christmas in July


August 2, 2025 VBS 10am-2pm

Lesson, Music, Games, Crafts, Snacks, Lunch, Water Slide

August 3, 2025 Family Day (no Sunday school)


10:30am (Morning Service) dress casual

Hot dogs/chips at noon (bring a friend)

 Baptismal Service during worship

Special Singing

CMF / CWF meetings at 12:30pm


August 24, 2025 10:30am

Backpack Blessing Service

Special Singing